My signature 1:1 Balanced Blueprint program is designed for the unique needs of working moms like you. Through a comprehensive and personalized approach, I guide you to define your values, priorities and goals, nurture your physical and emotional wellbeing and cultivate deeper connections in all areas of your life.

Balanced Blueprint

Define Your Vision

We will explore and define your values, priorities, goals and identify your superpowers – otherwise known as your vision for your life – what you want to create. We start here because your values drive your decisions and create the life you want. As a working mother, there are unfair gender role expectations that often lead you to prioritize others over yourself – attending the meeting that was scheduled last minute at the end of the day, or always being the first parent the school calls – resulting in overwhelm, frustration and stress. Understanding and being clear on your values and priorities will help you create the life you want by prioritizing the things that you value. By doing this work first, you will have a better understanding of your why and you’ll feel more open and expansive for coaching.

Nurture Your Body

We will take a close look at your physical well-being – from nutrition to movement to sun to sleep – the basics and how it plays into immunity and energy. When you look after your body, you will find it easier to maintain your home, work and spirit. Remember how great you feel after that run, walk or yoga class? We will identify the things that fill and energize you and expand them. At the end of this step, you will be physically rested, energized, and ready to gain skills needed to make your vision a reality.  

Train Your Brain

Here we focus on your mindset and address any anxieties,fears and doubts. Maybe you find yourself overthinking decisions, second-guessing yourself before speaking up, or worry that a forgotten doctor’s appointment means you’re failing as a mom. Everything starts with a thought. By understanding and developing skills to manage your thoughts, you will feel free, successful and understand your value as a working woman and mother. You will become more aware of your thinking and how to leverage your thoughts to get the results that you want. You step into a more confident and peaceful you as we integrate your learnings and turn your vision into actions you can take each day, week and month. You will create the life you want to live!